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Shulong Zhang

Title: Professor
Email: zhangshulongmd@yahoo.com
Major: Cardiology

Abroad  Study or Working Experience

Michigan State University,2001-07—2002-07

University of Texas,2002-08—2004-04

Participation  in the Academic Community

Waiting Chair of Pacing and Electrophysiology  association of Dalian   City.

Standing Committee Member of Pacing  and Electrophysiology association of Liaoning Province.

Youth Committee Member of Pacing and Electrophysiology  association of China.

Youth Committee Member of Heart  Rhythm association of China.

Committee Member of Electrocartdiography  Socoety of China.

Standing Committee Member of ECG  information society of China.

Guest reviewers of Chinese Medical  Journal.Editorial Board of Chinese journal of cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology,Electrocardiogram  magazine.Associate editorof practical  electrocardiology magazine.

Research Direction

Cardiac electrophysiology research of heart failure;The myocardial  protection of the vagus nerve;Genetics research of inherited  cardiac arrhythmias

Thesis or Articles Published

1.Shulong Zhang,  George Younis, Ramesh Hariharan, et al. Lower Loop  Reentry as a Mechanism of Clockwise Right Atrial Flutter. Circulation,2004;  109: 1630 –1635.

2.Razavi M,Zhang S, Yang D, Sander RA, Kar  B,Delapass S,et al. Effects of pulmonary vein ablation on regional atrial  vagal innervation and vulnerability to atrial fibrillation in dogs. J Cardiovasc  Electrophysiol. 2005 ;16(8):879-84.

3.Liu Y,Zhang S, Dong Y, Zhao H, Gao L, Yin X, et al. Impact of right  upper pulmonary vein isolation on atrial vagal innervation and vulnerability  to atrial fibrillation.Chinese Medical Journal, 2006;119: 2049-2055.

4.Razavi  M,Zhang S, Delapasse S, et al.The effects of  pulmonary vein isolation on the dominant frequency and organization of  coronary sinus electrical activity during permanent atrial fibrillation.  Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2006;29(11):1201-1208.

5.Chang D,Zhang S, Yang D,et al. Effect of epicardial fat pad ablation on  acute atrial electrical remodeling and inducibility of atrial fibrillation.  Circ J. 2010;74(5):885-894.

6.Zhang SL, Dong YX, Jiang P, Gao LJ, Cha YM, Packer DL, Xia YL,  Yin XM, Chang D, Yang YZ. Effect of ablation of complex fractionated atrial  electrogram on vagal modulation in dogs. Chin Med J (Engl).  2010;123(22):3288-3292.

7.YOU De-jun, CHANG Dong,ZHANG Shu-long,et al. The substrate of complex fractionated atrial  electrograms: evidence by pathologic analysis. Chin Med J (Engl).  2012;125(24):4393-4397.

8.Zang X, Zhang S, Xia Y, et al.  SNP rs3825214 in TBX5 is associated with lone atrial fibrillation in Chinese  Han population.PLoS One. 2013 May 24;8(5):e64966.

ScientificResearch  Project

1.Effects of Cardiac vena cava isolation on remodeling  of the vagus nerve and atrial electrical.Natural Science Foundation of China(30770866)

2.Clinical and basic research in CFAEs ablation for  atrial fibrillation. Dalian Municipal Science Foundation.(2007J23JH035)

3.Effects of CFAEs ablation on atrial electrical  remodeling.Natural Science Foundation of China.(2007,30971272)

4.Study on the vagus nerve stimulation combined  cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure. Natural Science  Foundation of China.(2013,81370307)

5.Clinical study on in vagal denervation therapy for  sick-sinus syndrome.Liaoning Province Natural Science Foundation.(2013,2013023032)