Education/Working Experience
1994-1999 Graduate,Changchun Inst of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science
2000-2001 Postdoctor, Institute of Biological structure, CEA/CNRS, Grenoble, France
2001-2002 Research Associate, Clark University, Worcester, MA
2002-2003 Postdoctor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
2003-2005 Research Associate, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
2005-2007 Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
2010-2011 Advanced visiting scientist, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
2007- Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, Dalian Medical University
Participation in the Academic Community
Member of Dalian Medical Association (Biochemistry)
Member of Dalian Medical Association (Biomedical Engineering)
(Publication authorized as corresponding or first authorrecently)
1. Biomedicine &Pharmacotherapy , 2016 , 84: 645-654
2. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2016, 26(1): 233-241.
3. Oncotarget, Epub. Feb. 18, 2016;DOI: 10.18632/ oncotarget.7484.
4. Future Oncology.2016, 12(1): 31-42.
5. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5:18215.
6. Oncology Letters, 2015, 10: 1947-1952.
7. Biochimie, 2015, 116: 34-52.
8. Clin Chim Acta,2015,447: 72-78.
9. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2015, 71: 84-90.
10. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2015, 70: 58-63.
11. Future Oncology, 2014, 10(16): 2687-2697.
12. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2014, 24(3): 926-935.
13. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 13(3): 1019-1028.
14. Annexin A11 in disease. Clin Chim Acta,2014,431: 164-168.
15. Clin Chim Acta, 2014, 427:42-48.
16. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2013, 23(5):1398-1406.
17. Future Oncology, 2013, 9(11): 1773-1793.
18. Clin Chim Acta, 2013, 423: 83-89.
19. The Anatomical Record,2013, 296: 807-814.
20. Clinical and Translational Oncology,2013, 15(3): 167-172.
21. Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2013,15(2):106-110.
22. ACTB in cancer. Clin Chim Acta, 2013, 417: 39-44.
23. Clinical and Translational Oncology,2012, 14(9): 634-640.
24. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B., 2012,114: 94-101.
25. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,2012,66(4): 242-248.
26. Toxicon, 2012,60(3):302-311.
27. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(44): 10242-10247.
28. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2012, 14 (1):21-30.
29. The Protein Journal,2012,31(1):51-58.
30. The Anatomical Record, 2011, 294(2):273-282.
31. BMB reports, 2010, 43(8): 554-560.
32. Biochimie, 2010, 92(7):901-908.
33. Biochimie.2010, 92: 343-349.
34. 高等学校化学学报, 2009, 30(10): 1965-1971.
35. 高等学校化学学报,2009, 30(9):1773-1778.
36. 高等学校化学学报, 2009, 30(3): 517-524.
37. Proteomics, 2009,9(12):3285-3302.
38. Biochimie, 2009,91:558-567.
39. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2009, 23(8):1158-1166.
40. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136S: S82.
41. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136S: S187.
42. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136S: S751 (SCI).
43. 高等学校化学学报, 2008, 29(11): 2194-2200
44. Toxicon, 2008, 52 (7): 760-768
45. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 22(20): 3172-3178.
46. BBA, Protein and Proteomics, 2006, 1764: 1340-1348
47. BBRC, 2006, 348: 1279-1287
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2006, 6(10): 808
Research Projects/Grants
1.2017.1-2020.12,Thestudy on the action mechanism of ceRNA in tumor lymphatic metastasis by regulating miR-330-3p and Ereg and its clinical significance in tumors, 530,000 RMB.
2.Natural Foundation of Liaoning Province (2014023047):ANXA11 regulates the tumorigenesis and drug-resistance of tumor cell with low lymphatic metastasis potential, 50,000 RMB.
3.NSFC(81171957): 2012.1-2015.12,The associations of Anax3, Anax5 and Anxa11 with lymphatic metastasis potential of tumor cells and tumor metastasis, as well as the identification of their co-regulated proteins in tumor cells, 550,000 RMB.
Admission Plan/Requirements
2 M.S. Graduate Candidates
2Ph.D.Graduate Candidates